Here you have some basic terms and concepts that might be helpful when checking the Campaign and Analytics sections.
Clicks: Taps or clicks on any call-to-action (button) of a Fastcard. The number of times people interacted with your Fastcard in any way (clicking or sharing or playing a video). It's the first stage of conversion.
Visits: Page-views from the same or different visitor. It counts as a visit at the right moment the page loads.
Engagement rate: The number of times people interacted with your Fastcard in any way. It's calculated with the following formula: Total clicks (buttons, shares, playing videos) divided by the total amount of visits.
Users: Unique visitors from unique devices. If you open the Fastcard from a different device, it will take it as a new user.
Cost per link: It is calculated by dividing the total clicks by the total investment of all ads using a specific Fastcard. The Facebook integration with the Fastcard platform must be done first to get this data.
Clicks by actions: The number of clicks on each and specific action.
Total clicks: The number of clicks per action, including the share button and clicks on youtube videos (not set as Autoplay*).
FC Clicks: Fastcard clicks.
FC AD ER: This stands for Fastcard Ad Engagement Rate, which is the engagement rate of clicks over an Ad. This is calculated as follows: total clicks on the Fastcard divided by the total impressions received in an Ad.
CPA: Cost per Action