How to create a Fastcard | Fastcard

How to create a Fastcard

We know you're busy, so we want to help you get your fastcard up and running as quickly as possible. This article contains a step by step mini manual to create your first Fastcard.

After signing in for the first time, there are two ways of creating your Fastcard.
  1. Click on the + New Fastcard button at the top right corner of the page
  2. Click on the Start Now button at the end of the page.

 Start designing your Fastcard following these simple steps.

  1. Pick a Title; this will be shown at the top of the card. You will see the changes on your right.
  2. Pick a Subtitle to give your customers some extra information. (We recommend a max. of 15 characters)

      3. Upload an image (jpg, png) or add a video using a youtube link.

4. Customize the Share button, in case you have a better option than just saying "share".  


Now, time to add other Links!

1. On the panel you can see on your left, click on any of the links that you'd like to add. For example, you can add a link, a whatsapp contact, or any of the other listed features.

2. You're able to add as many features as you wish. However, we recommend to use 4 to 6 simultaneously in a Fastcard in order not to distract people's attention. Write a title. Subtitles are optional. Write a button text to guide your users. 

3.  If you want to change the icons, it's possible and easy. When selecting a link section, click on the word "change" and you'll find different options. Choose the one that better fits your style.

Once you have selected all your features, it’s time to tune up your Fastcard!

  1. Go to the ‘Themes’ option and choose a background color and a background image for the desktop version.
NOTE:  If you choose a background color but not a background image, your desktop version will have the background color that you chose.  

2. After you finish customizing your Fastcard, click on the ‘'SAVE’’  Blue button at the top of the screen. 

After saving, a pop-up will come up with options to share your Fastcard, copy your link, view your Fastcard live or go to your Dashboard.

  • We will provide a URL that you can customize if you want; it is totally optional.
Important Note: A URL name can only be used once.

                                      Now you're ready to start using your Fastcard! 🎉

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