How to: Use the Facebook Messenger link | Fastcard

How to: Use the Facebook Messenger link

Keeping in touch with our clients is an excellent way to create a productive relationship. If Facebook Messenger is the tool you prefer to do so, then the Messenger feature is what you need.

This feature lets you show your clients a button to click from your Fastcards to send you a message via FB Messenger.

Do you want to enable this feature? Go to your Fastcard and click on the "Links" button on the menu on the left side of your screen. Now choose the Messenger button.

Be sure to write a title and the button text. An example of the button text could be the word "send."

A subtitle is optional, but it could be helpful for your client if you give them another clue of what this action is for.

Important! In the "Username" section, you have to follow these steps:
  1. From another window, log in to your Facebook account.
  2. Now, go to your profile website.
  3. Do you see the link on the top? It should be something like this: ""
  4. You only have to copy your username from that link and paste it on the Username section, where you were before.

It's almost done. Now you need to write the message content. This will be a default message that will be displayed for the client.

When you finish, remember to click on the Update button so you save all your changes.

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