Our June Update: New unbelievable Features!

Our June Update: New unbelievable Features!

Here at Fastmind are always looking to improve our services and innovate, making our customers' lives easier.
With this new update, we bring valuable features for everyone, like:

🔍  Social Search: A useful tool in which you can make your Youtube videos and Instagram Posts searchable and never lose old publications that you worked so hard to create. With this link, your audience can navigate on a minimalist landing page with its own search bar to locate content or keywords.
Suppose you have a vast quantity of videos or posts on these platforms, but you need your audience to look for specific content with a specific hashtag or mentions. The Social Search feature will make that search a lot easier and give extra value to your social media accounts.

📥   Import Fastcards: You can now import any Fastcard on your dashboard and edit only the information that you need, so you can save time and the repetitive work of building similar Fastcards over and over again. This could also be done with any Fastcard; you don't have to be its owner, a great feature to save time and maybe copy other Fastcards you may like without starting from scratch.

🗄  File Access: so your visitors can download files like PDFs directly from your Fastcard 

⏰  Event reminder or Alarm: Help your customers remind your events, webinars, and more by adding an alarm to their Apple devices directly from your Fastcard. 

Which one is your favorite so far? Let us know, we would love to hear from you! 
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